Wasserpegel / CS451
CS451 Drucksensor zur Wasserstandsmessung
Rostfreier Stahl
Ideal für Langzeiteinsatz auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


The CS451 is a pressure transducer for water-level measurements in canals, wells, ponds, harbors, lakes, streams and tanks. It has a stainless-steel case that can be submerged in most canals, wells, ponds, lakes, and streams. The CS451 outputs either a digital SDI-12 or RS-232 signal to indicate observed pressure and temperature. This output can be read by many of our dataloggers.

The CS451 replaces the CS450 transducer. The new transducers have a smaller gap between the water ports and the diaphragm so that less air is trapped that the user must remove during deployment. Trapped air causes the transducer's readings to drift as the air slowly dissolves into the water.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Robuste Konstruktion für zuverlässige Messung
  • Hülle aus rostfreiem Stahl schützt den piezoresistiven Sensor
  • Kompatibel mit fast allen Campbell Scientific Datenloggern
  • Voll Temperatur-kompensiert
  • Low-power Schlafmodus zwischen Messungen reduziert Stromverbrauch
  • Optionale gewichtete "Nase" zum einfachen Versenken
  • NPT fitting allows it to be used in closed-pipe applications
  • Kurze Lieferzeit
  • Optionale NPT "Nase" zur Verwendung in geschlossenen Rohren


CS451 with standard nose cone
CS451 with standard nose cone
CS451 with standard nose cone
CS451 with 1/4 in. NPT nose cone
CS241 with weighted nose cone

Technische Beschreibung

The CS451 consists of a piezoresistive sensor and a temperature sensor housed in a 316L stainless-steel case. It has a rugged Hytrel cable that remains flexible, even under harsh environmental conditions. The cable incorporates a vent tube to compensate for atmospheric pressure fluctuations. The vent tube terminates inside a desiccant tube, which prevents water vapor from entering the inner cavity of the transducer. The sensor ships with a desiccant tube that can be replaced in the field.

The CS451 has several pressure range options and two accuracy options (see Ordering Info). The standard accuracy option provides ±0.1% FS TEB over the 0° to 60°C temperature range. The high accuracy option provides ±0.05% FS TEB over the 0° to 60°C temperature range and includes a calibration certificate. TEB is the combined errors due to nonlinearity, hysteresis, non-repeatability, and thermal effects over the compensated temperature range, per ISA S51.1. Please note that the high accuracy option is not available for the 0 to 2.9 psig range option.

Campbell Scientific offers the A150 Desiccated Case that allows the CS451 to be connected to a  prewired enclosure (see Ordering Information).


Measurement Time < 1.5 s
Output Options SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps; RS-232 9600 bps
Water-Level Resolution 0.0035% FS
Worst-Case Temperature Resolution 0.006°C
Dry Storage Temperature Range -40° to +100°C
WARNING: Sensor could be damaged if encased in frozen ice.
Operating Temperature Range 0° to 60°C
WARNING: Sensor could be damaged if encased in frozen ice.
Temperature Accuracy ±0.2°C
Overpressure 2 x pressure range
Power Requirements 6 to 18 Vdc
Cable Type Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
NPT Fitting 1/4-in. NPS
Top Cone Material Delrin
Body Material 316L stainless steel
Element Material 316L stainless steel
  • 2.54 cm (1 in.)
    Distance from black line etched on housing to end of NPT fitting
  • 2.3 cm (0.9 in.)
    Distance from black line etched on housing to end of standard nose cone
  • 9.9 cm (3.9 in.)
    Distance from black line etched on housing to end of weighted nose cone
Ingress Protection Exceeds IP68
Diameter 21.34 mm (0.84 in.)
Cable Outer Diameter
  • 0.589 cm (0.232 in.) nominal
  • 0.599 cm (0.236 in.) maximum
Length 213.36 mm (6.875 in.)
Cable Weight 0.0421 kg/m (0.0283 lb/ft)
Weight 0.17 kg (0.37 lb) without cable

Air Gap

Standard & Weighted Nose Cone 0.653 cm (0.257 in.)
NPT Fitting 2.72 cm (1.07 in.)

Power Consumption

Quiescent < 50 µA
Measurement/Communication 8 mA (1 s measurement)
Maximum 40 mA

Measurement Ranges at Fresh Water Depths

0 to 2.0 m (6.7 ft)
  • 0 to 2.9 psig
    The high accuracy (±0.05% FS) option is not available for the 0 to 2.9 psig range option.
  • 0 to 20 kPa
    The high accuracy (±0.05% FS) option is not available for the 0 to 2.9 psig range option.
0 to 5.1 m (16.7 ft)
  • 0 to 7.25 psig
  • 0 to 50 kPa
0 to 10.2 m (33.4 ft)
  • 0 to 14.5 psig
  • 0 to 100 kPa
0 to 20.4 m (67 ft)
  • 0 to 29 psig
  • 0 to 200 kPa
0 to 50.9 m (167 ft)
  • 0 to 72.5 psig
  • 0 to 500 kPa
0 to 102 m (334.5 ft)
  • 0 to 145 psig
  • 0 to 1000 kPa


Standard Accuracy Option ±0.1% full-scale-range TEB
Total Error Band (TEB) includes the combined errors due to nonlinearity, hysteresis, nonrepeatability, and thermal effects over the compensated temperature range, per ISA S51.1.
High Accuracy Option ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB
The high accuracy (±0.05% full-scale range) option is not available for the 0 to 2.9 psig range option.

Total Error Band (TEB) includes the combined errors due to nonlinearity, hysteresis, nonrepeatability, and thermal effects over the compensated temperature range, per ISA S51.1.

Maximum Cable Length

  • ~457 m (1500 ft)
    1 sensor connected to a single port
  • 60 m (200 ft)
    10 sensors connected to a single port
RS-232 60 m (200 ft)

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
Aspen 10
CR1000 (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)


Broschüren Produkte


CS45x Firmware v.4 (472 KB) 22-03-2016

Includes the current firmware for the CS451 and CS456.

Liste der Änderungen

FAQs für

Number of FAQs related to CS451: 6

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  1. No. Because of the SDI-12 protocol, the CS45x-series pressure transducers can only make measurements every 1.5 seconds.

  2. Yes, but a data logger is required. The CS45x-series pressure transducers are not autonomous. They require a data logger to initiate and retrieve a measurement. The data logger can initiate an event-based measurement.

    In contrast, the CRS45x-series water-level recording sensors support event-based recording using built-in data-collection features. 

  3. No. A datalogger must be used with the CS45x-series pressure transducers.

  4. The CS45x-series pressure transducers are suitable for monitoring lake levels. However, be sure to submerge the pressure transducer below the frost line. If ice forms against the diaphragm, it will deform the diaphragm and cause permanent damage.

  5. No. The A200 is only used to configure the CS451 and CS456 pressure transducers.

  6. No. To prevent damage to the pressure transducer, it must be removed if freezing is anticipated.


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