Aspen10 Edge Device für einen Sensor
Verbindet einen Sensor mit der (IoT) Cloud
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Das revolutionäre Aspen™10 Edge Device ermöglicht es, einen Sensor einfach mit der Cloud zu verbinden. Der Aspen10 ist robust und kann ohne zusätzliches Gehäuse im Feld aufgebaut werden. Er hat eine integrierte Solarzelle und eine interne wiederaufladbare Batterie, so dass der Aspen 10 wirklich unabhängig arbeiten kann.

Der Aspen 10 ist klein und kompakt, daher kann er unauffällig montiert werden und stört die Umgebung nicht, die er überwacht. Ein integriertes IoT-Modem ermöglicht den Datentransfer zur Cloud, ein GPS-Empfänger (global positioning system) überträgt die Position des Geräts.

Einrichtung des Aspen 10 und Verbindung zum Sensor geht schnell und einfach dank einer neuen Sensor-Interface Technologie, AQWire. Damit wird ein Sensor automatisch beim Anschließen erkannt. Der Aspen 10 schickt diese ID an die Cloud und erhält  automatisch eine Konfiguration für diesen Sensor. Von da an kann man die Daten in der App oder über die Campbell Cloud Webseite überall einsehen.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • IoT Gerät, verwendet lokale Mobilfunknetzwerke wie das "low-power wide-area network" (LPWAN)
  • Mobilfunk CAT M1 für weltweiten Einsatz
  • GPS bestimmt automatisch den Standort des Geräts
  • Integrierte Solarzelle versorgt den Aspen mit Strom und erlaubt praktisch ständigen Betrieb mit nur wenigen Stunden Sonne am Tag
  • Interne wiederaufladbare LiFePO4- Batterie mit genügend Reserve, um einen Monat Betrieb zu gewährleisten - auch ohne Sonne
  • Smarte Erkennung und Einrichtung von Sensoren
  • Smarte Optimierung der Stromversorgung je nach angeschlossenem Sensor
  • Einfache Aufhängung mit Kabelbindern
  • Wasserfestes Gehäuse ermöglich Einsatz in fast jeder Umgebung
  • Ein/Aus-Schalter
  • Status-LED zum Betrieb ohne Smartphone
  • Near Field Communication (NFC)/Bluetooth zum Einrichten über Smartphone oder Überprüfung im Feld über CampbellGo App
  • Optimale Sicherheit durch Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) mit Transport Layer Security (TLS) Authentifizierung

Aspen 10-Compatible IoT Solutions

The Aspen™10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device can be paired with many of our digital sensors. Click on any of the images below to learn more about our growing list of compatible sensors:

ClimaVue 50 + Aspen 10 Solutions

ClimaVue™50 G2 + Aspen 10
Get next-gen IoT solutions for advanced meteorological monitoring.

HygroVue 10 + Aspen 10 Solutions

HygroVue™10 + Aspen 10
Acquire accurate humidity and air temperature monitoring with next-gen IoT solutions.

RainVue 10 + Aspen 10 Solutions

RainVue™10 + Aspen 10
Access economical solutions for rainfall monitoring.

RainVue 20 + Aspen 10 Solutions

RainVue™20 + Aspen 10
Experience solutions tailored for high-intensity, smart rainfall applications.

RangeVue Series + Aspen 10 Solutions

RangeVue™ Series + Aspen 10
Streamline your non-contact water-level monitoring with IoT solutions.

SnowVue 10 + Aspen 10 Solutions

SnowVue™10 + Aspen 10
Discover next-gen solutions for precision snow-depth monitoring.

SoilVue 10 + Aspen 10 Solutions

SoilVue™10 + Aspen 10
Use advanced yet easy solutions for soil profile monitoring.

TempVue 20 + Aspen 10 Solutions

TempVue™20 + Aspen 10
Employ solutions for air temperature measurements that surpass World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommendations.

Wintersense SDI-12 + Aspen 10 Solutions

Wintersense SDI-12 + Aspen 10
Benefit from precision IoT solutions for road monitoring and route-based winter maintenance decisions.


Aspen 10 mounted to a pole (pole not included)
Aspen 10 mounted to a pole (pole not included)
Aspen 10 mounted to a pole (pole not included)
Aspen 10 Edge Device
Aspen 10 Edge Device
Aspen 10 Edge Device
Aspen 10 Edge Device
Aspen 10 Edge Device
Aspen 10 mounted to a pole in a field (pole not included)

Technische Beschreibung

The Aspen 10 is a multipurpose, compact, entry-level edge device with a simple plug-and-play interface. Supported sensors measure hydrological, meteorological, environmental, and industrial phenomena. The Aspen 10 is part of the IoT and makes sensor data accessible anywhere via the Aspen 10's compatibility with the MQTT protocol and its integration with CampbellCloud. The Aspen 10 provides maintenance-free sensor power and automates cellular connectivity, data storage, and data forwarding to CampbellCloud, where users can both visualize their data and manage API access.

The Aspen 10 is similar to a full Campbell Scientific system and comprises a data logger, wiring terminals, enclosure, solar panel, charge regulator, battery, modem, and antenna—all in one small package.

Compatible sensors are cabled using an eight-pin M12 connector. A detect pin lets the Aspen 10 know that it has connected to a sensor with an SDI-12 capability of self-identification. After identifying the sensor, the Aspen 10 connects to CampbellCloud to retrieve the appropriate configuration and program for that sensor, which enable the edge device to power the sensor appropriately and make accurate analog or digital measurements.

A free app, CampbellGo, enables secure NFC/Bluetooth pairing between a phone and the Aspen 10. This greatly simplifies the installation process with real-time sensor readings, diagnostic tools, and data-to-cloud delivery information while you are on-site. This gives you confidence that everything is working from end to end before leaving the installation site.

All of this allows you to collect data from the selected sensor in the location you need from practically anywhere on the globe.

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
BaroVUE10 AQ sensor pigtail cable required
ClimaVUE50 (retired) AQ conversion cable required
ClimaVue 50 G2 AQ conversion cable required
CS451 A151 termination box required
CS456 A151 termination box required
HygroVUE10 AQ conversion cable required
RainVUE10 AQ conversion cable required
RainVUE20 AQ conversion cable required
RangeVue 15
RangeVue 30
SoilVUE10 AQ conversion cable required
TempVue 20 No additional cable required
Wintersense SDI-12 No additional cable required


Product Compatible Note

Additional Compatibility Information

The Aspen 10 is only compatible with CampbellCloud. It is not compatible with LoggerNet or any of its derivatives. To access CampbellCloud, please visit our CampbellCloud hosted site.

This edge device is compatible with sensors that support SDI-12 communications, respond to the identify command, and are wired using an M12 eight-pin connector code A as specified by Campbell Scientific.

Please note that the Aspen 10 will not power sensors with heaters, and it does not allow high-frequency data collection.


Processor 32-bit arm cortex (CPU)
  • 2 MB flash
  • 640 KB SRAM
Program Execution Period 1 s to 1 day; 1 s increments
Real-Time Clock Resolution ±1 s
Real-Time Clock Accuracy Synchronized with CampbellCloud once per day
Operating Temperature Range
  • -20 to +60°C (standard)
  • -40 to +75°C (extended)
  • Outdoor environment
Maximum Scan Rate 1 s
Communications Protocols SDI-12, HTTP(S), MQTT
Case Material
  • High-impact-resistant and UV-resistant ASA, recycle code 7
  • IP65 water-resistant rated, Gore-Tex breathability
Digital I/O Terminals are configured for SDI-12.
Certifications CB Certificate Number NO127343
Dimensions 16.2 x 8.0 x 5.8 cm (6.4 x 3.2 x 2.3 in.)
  • 395 g (0.9 lb) for -ST option
  • 352 g (0.8 lb) for -XT option


Battery Note: Charge and discharge characteristics are controlled internally according to battery type.
Battery for -20° to +60°C
(-ST) Option
3.2 Vdc, 7.2 Ah, Li-Po PHD26650
Battery for -40° to +75°C
(-XT) Option
3.65 Vdc, 5.6 Ah, Li-ion Saft MP176065 xtd
Average Current Drain
  • <0.35 uA (deep sleep)
  • <1 mA (idle)
  • 10 uA (ultra-low power) for 5 Vdc sensor power supply
  • 5 mA for 5 Vdc sensor power supply
  • 14.3 mA for 8 Vdc sensor power supply
  • 30 mA for 12 Vdc sensor power supply

Power Output

-NOTE- Regulated 5, 8, or 12 Vdc (disabled when battery capacity <0.5 Ah)
5 Vdc Current Limit
  • 30 mA (ultra-low power)
  • 210 mA
8 Vdc Current Limit 210 mA
12 Vdc Current Limit 210 mA


Protocols SDI-12
Internet Protocols HTTP(S), MQTT
Near Field Communication (NFC) Target device compatible with CampbellGo
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
  • Compatible with CampbellGo
  • Maximum distance of 50 m (165 ft)
SDI-12 One SDI-12 compliant terminal meets SDI-12 Standard v 1.4.

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