Niederschlagssensoren / RainVUE20
RainVUE20 SDI-12 Niederschlagssensor mit Aluminum -Auffangtrichter
Einfacher und robuster Digitalsensor
Genauigkeit besser als Anforderungen der WMO
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der RainVUE™️20 ist ideal für viele hydrologische oder meteorologische Anwendungen wie Wetterstationen und Hochwasserwarnsysteme. Der RainVUE™️20 ist eine SDI-12 Regenkippwaage, die erste der RainVUE Sensorfamilie. Moderne Algorithmen und digitale Signalverarbeitung im Sensor kompensieren Fehler durch hohe Regenintensitäten und bieten akkurate Niederschlagsmessungen. Durch die aerodynamische Konstruktion des Aluminium-Auffangtrichters wird der Verlust an aufgefangenem Niederschlag durch Wind minimiert. Der Kunde kann aus verschiedenen Kabellängen wählen und <!--und die Auflösung von 0.01 in. oder 0.1 mm-->.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Pulverbeschichteter Aluminium Trichter für Einsatz in jeder Umgebung
  • Extrem robust und vielseitg einzusetzen - für anwendungen, bei denen Genauigkeit und Verfügbarkeit der Daten kritisch sind
  • Einzigartige aerodynamische Form zur Minimierung von Windeffekten und bessere Genauigkeit
  • Misst Niederschlagsintensitäten bis zu 1500 mm/h (60 in./h)
  • Entspricht Vorgaben der WMO für die Auffangfläche
  • Digitale Datenverarbeitung korrigiert Fehler durch starke Regenintensitäten bis zu 1500 mm/h (60 in./h)
  • Neigungsmessung für Diagnose über Fernverbindung
  • Interne Temperaturmessung
  • Einfaches Ausrichten mit externer Libelle
  • Verstellbare Füße


View of the 39668 funnel filter installed in a RainVue precipitation sensor

Aspen 10-Compatible IoT Solution

The RainVue 20 can be paired with the Aspen™10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device. To get next-gen IoT solutions for advanced meteorological monitoring, click the image below:

RainVUE 20 + Aspen 10 Solutions

Technische Beschreibung

The RainVUE™️20 funnels rainfall through a stainless-steel gauze filter that traps and removes debris. The rainfall flows through a nozzle into one of the two halves of the tipping bucket. The internal tipping bucket assembly rotates around precision, rolling pivot bearings, it tips when the first bucket fills to a fixed calibrated level, and then the balance arm moves the second bucket under the funnel. A magnet attached to the balance arm actuates a reed switch as the bucket tips.

The aerodynamic design of the RainVUE™️20 prevents wind from carrying the rainfall away from the collecting vessel. With traditional cylindrical rain gages, wind can reduce the rainfall catch by up to 20%. The RainVUE™️20 also includes a microprocessor that corrects for rainfall intensity and outputs an SDI-12 signal.

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

The RainVUE™️20 is compatible with all modern data loggers and retired data loggers that support SDI-12 (CR10X, CR200).


Sensor Type Tipping bucket with magnetic reed switch
  • 2 mm-thick powder-coated aluminum (for main collector body)
  • LM6 marine-grade aluminum (for base)
Output SDI-12 version 1.4
Sensor Configuration SDI-12 or USB
Operating Temperature Range
  • 1° to 70°C (liquid precipitation only)
  • -40 to +70°C (including melting snow)
Power Requirements 6 to 18 Vdc
Current Drain
  • 0.8 mA or 1 mA (active)
  • 0.07 mA (quiescent)
Internal Battery 240 mAh lithium battery (provides up to 15 days of continual operation after power loss; battery will last longer under ideal conditions)
Response Time
  • 0 s (for M0! command)
  • 1 s (for M1! command)
Measurement Uncertainty
  • Note: Accuracy over the rain intensity range requires a mechanical calibration that is within 1% at a 1 in./h intensity.

    RainVUE™20 sensors are calibrated at the factory to meet this specification but should be verified prior to deployment.
  • 1° (tilt)
  • 0.25°C (temperature)
  • 0.5 V (supply voltage)
Orifice Diameter 20.0 cm (7.87 in.)
Collecting Area 314.16 cm2 (48.67 in.2)
Height 43.5 to 46.5 cm (17.1 to 18.3 in.) with feet adjustment
Weight 6 kg (13 lb)

0.01 Inch Option

Measurement Range 0 to 1200 mm/h (0 to 48 in./h)
Precipitation Amount Resolution 0.254 mm (0.01 in.)
Precipitation Amount Measurement Uncertainty 1% at 0 to 500 mm/h intensity (0 to 19.7 in./h intensity)
Precipitation Intensity Range 0 to 1200 mm/h (0 to 48 in./h)
Precipitation Intensity Measurement Uncertainty 1% at 0 to 500 mm/hh intensity (0 to 19.7 in./h intensity)
WMO Compliant No

0.1 Millimeter Option

Measurement Range 0 to 600 mm/h (0 to 23.6 in./h)
Precipitation Amount Resolution 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Precipitation Amount Measurement Uncertainty
  • 3.08% at 0 to 20 mm/h intensity (0 to 0.88 in./h intensity)
  • 3.6% at 20 to 600 mm/h intensity (0.8 to 23.6 in./h intensity)
Precipitation Intensity Range 0.1 to 600 mm/h (0.004 to 23.6 in./h)
Precipitation Intensity Measurement Uncertainty 3.58% at 0 to 600 mm/h (0 to 23.6 in./h intensity)
WMO Compliant Yes


Übereinstimmung mit Richtlinien u. Vorschriften


RainVue-Series Example Program v.1 (2 KB) 21-10-2020

An example CR1000X program uses the M! SDI-12 command to measure the RainVue 10 or RainVue 20 and the XWARA! command to reset the total adjusted rain accumulator to 0.00 annually on October 1.

RainVue OS v.2.03 (474 KB) 07-12-2022

Current Operating System for the RainVue 10 and RainVue 20. Requires the Device Configuration Utility and a USB micro cable to update the OS.

Liste der Änderungen