Satellit / TX326
TX326 Satelliten -Transmitter für Meteosat
Neuer verlässlicher Meteosat-Transmitter
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der TX326 Satellitentransmitter verwendet das Meteosat Satellitensystem um Kommunikation von einer Datenerfassungsplattform (DCP) zu einer Empfängerstation zu ermöglichen.

Meteosat ist ein System geostationärer meteorologischer Satelliten, die von EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) betrieben werden. Geostationäre Satelliten haben Orbits, die mit der Erdrotation gleich laufen, so dass jeder Satellit über einer spezifischen Region bleibt. EUMETSAT ist eine Organisation aus einer internationalen Konvention europäischer Länder.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • EUROSAT SRDCP und HRDCP zertifiziert
  • Komptibel mit Meteosat Satelliten Datenerfassungssystem
  • Einfache Verbindung mit Campbell Scientific Datenloggern
  • Getestet im Feld
  • Integriertes GPS für stabile innere Uhr und Übertragungsfrequenzen für wenig Wartung
  • Geringer Stromverbrauch im Standby-Modus für batteriebetriebene DCP Installationen
  • Diagnosedaten vom Modem zum schnellen Erkennen von Problemen


Coverage of the Meteosat-11 and Meteosat-8 satellites

Technische Beschreibung

The TX326 transmitter uses the Meteosat satellite system to provide one-way communications from a data collection platform (DCP) to a receiving station. Supported transmission rates are 100 (SRDCP) and 1200 (HRDCP) bps. This transmitter is used with our CR300, CR310, CR1000X, and CR6 dataloggers, as well as with our GRANITE measurement and control data-acquisition systems.

Because clock accuracy is critically important for Meteosat satellite telemetry, the TX326 includes an embedded GPS receiver. The GPS receiver automatically corrects for clock and oscillator drift, allowing for longer intervals between service visits.

Detailed diagnostic information about the radio is also available for the field technician and various diagnostic uses. These diagnostic parameters include the following:

  • Latitude and longitude using the built-in GPS
  • Current battery voltage
  • Current temperature
  • Battery voltage before last transmission
  • Temperature before last transmission
  • Battery voltage during last transmission
  • Altitude of last GPS position
  • Time of last GPS position
  • Number of GPS fix misses
  • Time of last missed GPS fix
  • GPS receiver health and status
  • Failsafe tripped indication
  • Duration of last transmission
  • Forward power of last transmission
  • Reflect power on last transmission
  • VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio) last transmission results
  • Current transmission state

Cable Options

On the Ordering Information page of the website, ensure you order the correct cable option to meet your needs.

  • To connect the TX326 to the CR6 or CR1000X RS-232/CPI port. select the -R option.
  • To connect the TX326 to the COM (C, U) ports of a data logger, select the -C option.
  • To connect the TX326 to the 9-pin RS-232 port of a data logger, select the -S option.


Transmissions Supported
  • Self-Timed (Scheduled)
  • Alarm (Random)
Data Format
  • ASCII data with restrictions
  • ASCII data
  • Binary data
  • Pseudo binary (1200 baud only)
  • Meteosat alert message
Transmit RF Out Connector Type N jack
Radio Module OmniSAT-3
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +60°C
Storage Temperature Range -55° to +75°C
EUMETSAT DCP Radio Certification (2013-003)
  • EUMETSAT 2013-003-DCP-SDR (17 July 2013) for standard rate (100 bps)
  • EUMETSAT 2015-001-DCP-HDR (12 March 2015) for high rate (1200 bps)
Time-of-Day Clock Accurate to 20 ms with GPS receiver.
Case Dimensions 15.88 x 12.7 x 4.57 cm (6.25 x 5 x 1.8 in.) not including connectors
Maximum Dimensions 15.88 x 14.99 x 4.57 cm (6.25 x 5.9 x 1.8 in.) including connectors
Weight 0.77 kg (1.7 lb)

Supply Power

Supply Voltage Range 10.5 to 16 Vdc
Typical Current Drain
  • < 2.75 A when transmitting (typical 1.8 A at 12 Vdc) to 4 A maximum
  • < 5 mA standby (typical 2.8 mA at 12 Vdc)
  • < 40 mA during GPS acquisition (typical 25 mA at 12 Vdc)
Connector 2-pin screw terminal, 0.2 in. pitch
Power Protection Up to 23.1 V (reverse polarity and overvoltage)
Total system current is fused at 5 A with replaceable fuse

Satellite Communication

Baud Rates 100 (tolerance ±0.005 bps) and 1200 bps (tolerance ±0.06 bps)
Transmit Power (100 baud)
  • 42 dBm maximum
  • Maximum EIRP is 52 dBm (based on 11 dbm gain antenna and 1 dbm line loss)
  • Typical EIRP is 47 to 52 dBm.
Transmit Power (1200 baud)
  • 50 dBm maximum
  • Maximum EIRP is 50 dBm (based on a 11 dbm gain antenna with 1 dbm line loss)
  • Typical EIRP is 40 to 50 dBm.
Frequency Range - Meteosat 402.0355 MHz (channel #1) to 402.4345 MHz (channel #267) (267 channels with a 1.5 KHz channel bandwidth each.)
Frequency Range - International 402.0025 MHz (channel #268) to 402.034 MHz (channel #289) (21 channels reassigned from international bandwidth 1.5 KHz.)
Initial Frequency Stability
  • < ±20 Hz disciplined to GPS (GPS fix occurs after power up and once per day thereafter.)
  • Maximum ±125 Hz without GPS
Channel Bandwidth 100/1200 Baud 1.5 KHz

GPS Receiver

-NOTE- The TX326 can source up to 19 mA at 2.7 V for an external GPS antenna. Campbell Scientific recommends a maximum antenna Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) of 1.5 dB.
Maximum RF Input Gain 25 dB
Receiver Type 3.3 V active
Connector Type SMA jack


Initial Accuracy ±100 μs (synchronized to GPS)
Drift ±40 ms/day (without GPS)
GPS Schedule 1 fix at power up (updated at roughly an 11-hour rate)
Transmission Continuation without GPS Fix 6 days

Interface Connectors

RS-232 DB9 M, DTE, 3-wire RS-232

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired) Requires OS version 4 or greater.
CR300 (retired) Requires OS version 10 or greater.
CR310 Requires OS version 10 or greater.
CR350 Requires OS version 10 or greater.
CR6 Requires OS version 10 or greater.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)


Product Compatible Note


Übereinstimmung mit Richtlinien u. Vorschriften


TX326 and TX325 Program Example for GRANITE, CR6, CR1000X, or CR300 Data Loggers v.6 (5 KB) 18-10-2021

GRANITE-series, CR6, CR1000X, or CR300-series data logger program for the TX326 and TX325 that sets up self-timed and random transmissions and reads diagnostic information. Another program is available for the TX325 with the CR3000, CR1000, or CR800-series data loggers because they are programmed differently.