FW05 Haarfeines Thermoelement Typ E
Besonders genau für Eddy-Kovariance Messungen
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der FW05 ist ein Typ- E Thermoelement mit einem Durchmesser von 0.0127 mm. Man kann damit atmosphärische Temperaturgradienten oder -fluktuationen bestimmen. Der FW05 ist mit fast allen Campbell Datenloggern kompatibel und wird oft in EC-Systemen eingesetzt.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Hochfrequenzantwort geeignet für Eddy-Kovarianzmessungen
  • Der extrem kleine Durchmesser eliminiert praktisch das Aufheizen durch die Sonne
  • Gut geeignet zur Messung von atmosphärischem Temperaturfluss


Technische Beschreibung

The FW05 has the smallest diameter of our fine wire thermocouples. Because of this, it experiences the least amount of solar loading, but is also the most fragile. The thermocouple's small mass eliminates the need for a solar radiation shield.

The FW05 consists of a type E thermocouple with a connector. The connector attaches the thermocouple to a datalogger via the FWC-L cable.

Type E thermocouples are comprised of a chromel wire and a constantan wire joined at a measurement junction. A voltage potential is generated when the measurement end of the thermocouple is at a different temperature than the reference end of the thermocouple. The magnitude of the voltage potential is related to the temperature difference. Therefore, temperature can be determined by measuring the differences in potential created at the junction of the two wires.

A reference temperature measurement is required for thermocouple measurements. The temperature sensor built into many of our dataloggers' wiring panel typically provides this measurement.

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired) The CR1000X is compatible when used with the CDM-A108 or CDM-A116.
CR1000Xe The CR1000Xe is compatible when used with the CDM-A108 or CDM-A116.
CR6 The CR6 is compatible when used with the CDM-A108 or CDM-A116.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Data Logger Considerations

The thermocouple connects to the data logger via the FWC cable. One differential analog input per sensor is required.

Reference Temperature Measurement

A reference temperature measurement is required. Options for measuring the reference temperature include:

  • Thermistor built into the CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000, or CR5000 wiring panel
  • PRT built into the wiring panel of the CR9050 or
  • CR9051E input module for the CR9000X Measurement and Control Datalogger
  • PRT built into the wiring panel of the CR723T input card for the CR7 Measurement and Control Datalogger
  • CR10XTCR thermistor that connects to the CR10X wiring panel

Carrying Case

The FW/ENC Carrying Case is required to ship our FW05 thermocouples. It holds up to four thermocouples. Thermocouples returned to Campbell Scientific for repair without this case will be shipped to the customer in a new case and the account charged accordingly.


Type Chromel-Constantan
Typical Output 60 μV/°C
Accuracy Refer to the Thermocouple Measurement section in the data logger manual.
Diameter 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in.)
Length 36.8 cm (14.5 in.)
Plug Dimensions 1.8 x 3.3 x 1.0 cm (0.7 x 1.3 x 0.4 in.)
Weight 45 g (2 oz)

FAQs für

Number of FAQs related to FW05: 6

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  1. Most Campbell Scientific dataloggers can measure a thermocouple without any external signal conditioning. Therefore, a dedicated module is not required.

  2. Measuring the thermocouple with an accuracy of 0.01°C is difficult, if not impossible, because of polynomial errors, voltage errors, and potential temperature gradients across the datalogger terminal strips.

  3. No. The fine-wire thermocouples were designed to measure ambient air temperature.

  4. The FW05 has a frequency response that is adequate for the eddy-covariance flux application.

  5. Sensible heat flux is defined as the covariance of vertical wind and temperature fluctuations, measured with fast-response sensors. For more information, refer to a micrometeorology textbook.