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CDM-A108 8-Kanal 5 V Analogmultiplexer
24- bit Auflösung, erweitert die analogen Kanäle
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der CDM-A108 ist ein Analogmultiplexer zur einfachen Erweiterung eines Campbell-Datenloggersystems. Er enthält einen 24 bit Analog-Digitalwandler und ermöglicht Messungen mit sehr geringem Rauschen. Der CDM-A108 unterstützt auch Period-Average Messungen und kann Anregungsspannung und/oder Strom liefern.

Der CDM-A108 hat 8 differentiale Eingänge und 2 Anregungskanäle. Man kann über einen 12V-Port und einen geschalteten 12V Port andere Geräte mit Strom versorgen, über 2 geschaltete 5V Ausgänge können Peripheriegeräte gesteuert werden. 

Lesen Sie mehr

Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Ability to make simultaneous measurements
  • CANbus 2.0A/2.0B capable; contact Campbell Scientific for details
  • Increases the number of analog channels in a data logger system
  • Supports period average measurements
  • Includes both current and voltage excitation channels


Front tilt view
Front tilt view
Front tilt view
Front view
Front view
Front tilt view
Front tilt view
Back view
Left view
Right view
Top view
Bottom view
Using a screwdriver for wiring purposes


Technische Beschreibung

The CDM-A108 offers 24-bit sigma-delta Adc with 16 user programmable notch frequencies from 30,000 Hz to 2.5 Hz, including 50 and 60 Hz. Previous generations of data loggers could notch out 50 or 60 Hz.

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired) To use the CDM-A108 with a CR1000 datalogger, an SC-CPI (data-logger-to-CPI interface) must be used between the data logger and the CDM-A108. 
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 To use the CDM-A108 with a CR3000 datalogger, an SC-CPI (data-logger-to-CPI interface) must be used between the data logger and the CDM-A108. 
CR800 (retired) To use the CDM-A108 with a CR800 datalogger, an SC-CPI (data-logger-to-CPI interface) must be used between the data logger and the CDM-A108. 
CR850 (retired) To use the CDM-A108 with a CR850 datalogger, an SC-CPI (data-logger-to-CPI interface) must be used between the data logger and the CDM-A108. 


Product Compatible Note

Additional Compatibility Information

The CDM-A108 is compatible with the CR6 datalogger. To use the CDM-A108 with a CR1000, CR800, CR850, or CR3000 datalogger, a SC-CPI (datalogger-to-CPI interface) must be used between the datalogger and the CDM-A108. 


-NOTE- Additional specifications are listed in the CDM-A108 and CDM-A116 brochure.
Power Requirements 9.6 to 32 Vdc voltage
Mounting Standard 1-in. grid (DIN rail mounting available)
Estimated Accuracy
  • ±(0.04% of reading + offset) 0° to 40°C
  • ±(0.06% of reading + offset) -40° to +70°C
  • ±(0.08% of reading + offset) -55° to +85°C
Number of Channels 8 differential or 16 single-ended
Operating Temperature Range
  • -40° to +70°C (standard)
  • -55° to +85°C (extended)
Maximum Multiplexed Sample Rate 3.0 kHz (using fast [100 μs] input setting)
Maximum Burst Sample Rate 30 kHz
Input Range ±5000 mV, ±1000 mV, and ±200 mV
Period Averaging Traditional period averaging on analog input channels
CPI For data logger connection. Baud rate selectable from 50 kbps to 1 Mbps. (Allowable cable length varies depending on baud rate, number of nodes, cable quality, and noise environment, but can be as long as 700 m under proper conditions.)
USB USB 2.0 full speed connection available for attaching to a PC. (Port is used to configure the module and download updates via our Device Configuration Utility.)
Warranty One year against defects in materials and workmanship
Dimensions 20.3 x 12.7 x 5.1 cm (8 x 5 x 2 in.)
Weight 0.8 kg (1.75 lb)

Typical Current Drain

Sleep <1 mA
Active 1 Hz Scan 2 mA (estimated)
Assumes one single-ended measurement with the first notch frequency (fN1) at 30 kHz
Active 20 Hz Scan 20 mA
Assumes one single-ended measurement with the first notch frequency (fN1) at 30 kHz

Voltage/Current Excitation Outputs

Voltage Excitation ±5 V (@ 50 mA)
Current Excitation ±2.5 mA (±5 V compliance voltage)
Number of Voltage/Current Excitation Outputs 2

General Purpose Outputs

Number of SW5V Outputs 2
SW5V Output Resistance 30 Ω
Number of SW12V Outputs 1
Typical Limit of SW12V Outputs 200 mA
Minimum Limit of SW12V Outputs 180 mA
Number of 12V Outputs 1
Typical Limit of 12V Outputs 200 mA
Minimum Limit of 12V Outputs 180 mA


Übereinstimmung mit Richtlinien u. Vorschriften


CDM-A100 OS v.06.03 (606 KB) 09-05-2023

Execution of this download installs the CDM-A108 / CDM-A116 Operating System on your computer which can then be uploaded to the CDM-A108 or CDM-A116 device with the Device Configuration Utility.

Liste der Änderungen

CPI Calculator v.1.0 (2.49 MB) 06-07-2016

The CPI Calculator is a downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used to estimate the usage and capacity of a CPI network.  The calculator provides an overview on CPI devices including the CDM-A108, CDM-A116, CDM-VW300, CDM-VW305, and the CSAT3B.  The calculator can also estimate the measurement speed of the CDM-A108 and CDM-A116 based on the number of channels and measurement parameters.


The CPI Calculator is an estimation tool and will help you better understand and design CPI networks by considering the following:

  1. What is the capability of each CDM or CPI device
  2. What is the CPI network capacity
  3. How much of the CPI capacity are the CDMs or CPI devices using


Device Configuration Utility v.2.32 (47.7 MB) 19-03-2025

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)

Liste der Änderungen

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