Field Displays / CD295
CD295 DataView II Display
Einfach und zeitsparend
Zugriff auf die Daten des Loggers ohne das Gehäuse öffnen zu müssen
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Das CD295 ist ein zweizeiliges Display mit 32 Zeichen zur Verwendung mit PakBus-Datenloggern. Es kann einen Echtzeitwert mit Einheit und Beschreibung anzeigen. Man baut es in den Deckel eines Gehäuses ein, so dass man Daten im Feld ansehen kann, ohne das Gehäuse zu öffnen. Die Software PC295 ist inklusive um die Beschreibungen und Einheiten einzugeben und um bis zu 30 Variablen zur Anzeige auszuwählen. Zwei Knöpfe ermöglichen das Scrollen durch die angegebenen Anzeigen.

Das CD294 ist ein ähnliches Display für Mix-Array Logger.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Kompatibel mit unserer CR200-Serie, CR800, CR850, CR1000 und CR3000 Datenlogger
  • Echtzeit-Daten ansehen, ohne das Gehäuse zu öffnen


CD295 mounted in an enclosure lid
CD295 mounted in an enclosure lid; attached to a pole (sold separately)
Backside of CD295 display mounted in an enclosure lid

Technische Beschreibung

The CD295 DataView II is a two-line, 32-character LCD that can display real-time data from a PakBus datalogger (see Compatibility tab). Mounted in an enclosure lid, the CD295 allows you to view data without opening the enclosure. The display side of the CD295 is weatherproof. A stainless steel cover is provided to help protect the display from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

With the CD295, you can scroll through up to 30 public variables to view the latest measured value, its description, and units of measure. The poll rate is synchronized with the datalogger's execution interval allowing the values to be updated as they are measured. PC295 software is provided with the CD295.


Display/Keyboard Description 2 lines x 32 characters display and 2-button keyboard
Power Requirements Powered from the data logger
Relative Humidity IP65 (when using supplied sealant)
Temperature Range
  • -20° to +55°C (operating)
  • -25° to +70°C (asleep)
Dimensions 10 x 13.0 x 3 cm (3.9 x 5.1 x 1.2 in.)
Weight 235 g (8 oz)

Current Drain

Asleep 1 mA
  • 3 mA (without backlight)
  • 30 mA (with backlight)

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired) Contact Campbell Scientific.
CR1000X (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 Contact Campbell Scientific.
CR5000 (retired)
CR6 Contact Campbell Scientific.
CR800 (retired) Contact Campbell Scientific.
CR850 (retired) Contact Campbell Scientific.
CR9000X (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Data Logger Considerations

The CD295 is a PakBus device with a default PakBus address of 4090. In turn, it uses PakBus communications to retrieve data from the attached data logger. The CD295 does not support PakBus Encryption.

Version 2 or higher

The original release of the CD295 operating system (version 1) and PC295 software (version 1) supported only the CR200-series dataloggers. Version 2 of the CD295 operating system (OS) and PC295 added support for the CR1000, CR800, CR850 and CR3000 dataloggers, as well as support for their new data types (long integers, Booleans, strings, and time stamps). To use the new capabilities, customers with version 1 need to upgrade both their CD295 OS and PC295 software.

Use in Enclosures

The display is mounted in the lid of our enclosures. Installing the CD295 in an enclosure lid allows the user to view real-time data on-site without opening the enclosure. The display side of the CD295 is weatherproof. A stainless-steel cover is provided to help protect the display from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The 18132 is a common accessory for our standard enclosures. When the 18132 is ordered, Campbell Scientific will install the CD295 in the enclosure lid before the enclosure leaves the factory. Alternatively, the user can do the installation; O-rings, screws, and a drilling template are included with CD295 for this purpose.


CD295 OS v.2.07 (681 KB) 24-08-2010

Current CD295 firmware. The Device Configuration Utility is used to update the CD295 with the new firmware.
Liste der Änderungen

PC295 v. (1.91 MB) 16-12-2010

CD295 program generator.
Liste der Änderungen