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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 articles tagged with: Security

How to Use Data Logger Security Codes

Author Janet Albers | Letzte Aktualisierung: 03/04/2025 | Kommentare: 4

how to use data logger security codes

Security codes are the oldest method of securing a data logger. They can effectively prevent innocent tinkering and discourage wannabe hackers—actions that could potentially wreak havoc on the integrity of your data. In this article, I’ll discuss the different security codes and how to use... lesen Sie mehr

Handling New Device Drivers in a Changing Windows World

Author Dana Worley | Letzte Aktualisierung: 04/27/2016 | Kommentare: 0

handling new device drivers in a changing windows world

We've all been there. You open the box for some new toy such as a camera, printer, or even a datalogger, and before you can get started, you are required to install a device driver. The device driver loads files onto your computer so that... lesen Sie mehr

4 Ways to Make Your Data More Secure

Author Jacob Davis | Letzte Aktualisierung: 07/15/2015 | Kommentare: 0

4 ways to make your data more secure

Your data is valuable, and sometimes that value is reduced if unauthorized users have access to it. For this reason, Campbell Scientific dataloggers have numerous methods of restricting access to your data. This article is an overview of four available methods for securing your data.... lesen Sie mehr