Ajay Singh

Dr. Ajay Singh is a Product Manager in the Renewable Energy Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His work is focused on PV soiling measurement and mitigation, solar resource assessment, and solar radiation measurement. He has a doctoral degree in physics.
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Andrew Sandford

Dr. Andrew Sandford is the Director of Research and Development at Campbell Scientific Limited in the United Kingdom. Andrew has been with Campbell Scientific Ltd for more than 30 years and leads a team of R&D engineers that has been responsible for the design and delivery of a wide variety of Campbell Scientific products.
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Barbra Utley

Dr. Barbra Utley is a Project Manager at Campbell Scientific, Inc., working to support our global business processes. Previously, she was a Project Manager focusing on new-product introduction for the environmental market. She also was an Application Research Scientist in the Environmental Market Group. Barbra worked with both the Marketing and Engineering Departments on water resources product testing and development. Areas of interest include water quality and surrogate sediment measurements in freshwater systems, as well as statistical analysis. Barbra has a doctoral degree in Biological Systems Engineering with an emphasis in Water Resources.
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Brad Maxfield

Brad Maxfield is the Global Technical Training Manager at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His areas of expertise include power budgets, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Brad provides technical support and training in English and Spanish, with frequent visits to customers in Latin America. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah in Spanish Language and Literature.
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Bruce Smith

Bruce Smith is a Technical Support Engineer at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He provides technical support for many Campbell Scientific products and specializes in supporting weather stations used in the commercial irrigation industry. Bruce’s background is in building maintenance. Away from work, he enjoys spending time with his family and dogs, being outdoors, and tinkering with cars.
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Carolyn Ivans

Dr. Carolyn Ivans is the Technical Communications Manager at Campbell Scientific, Inc. She has a doctorate in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology from the University of Nevada, Reno. She enjoys working with the Technical Communications team, product developers, and customers to create documentation and tutorials for Campbell Scientific products. In her spare time, Carolyn enjoys kayaking, hiking, and bike rides with her family.
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Dana Worley

Dana Worley, now retired, joined Campbell Scientific, Inc., in 1997. As an Application Engineer, Dana provided technical support and training to customers, and she developed online and written documentation. Other roles included management of R&D projects, software products, and a Software Test and Support group. Dana most recently managed our Technical Support Team in the Client Services department. She enjoys hiking, biking, traveling, and photography, and she is an accomplished artist, specializing in kiln-formed glass.
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Dirk Baker

Dr. Dirk V. Baker is a Senior Scientist and the Global Science Program Manager at Campbell Scientific. Areas of interest include ecology, agriculture, and meteorology—among others. He has a bachelor's degree in wildlife biology and a doctorate in weed science, both from Colorado State University. Dirk’s graduate and postdoctoral research centered around measuring and modeling wind-driven plant dispersal.
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Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt is an Application Engineer in the Infrastructure Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He works with customers on the technical aspect of building measurement systems; helps provide trainings for all of Campbell Scientific’s international offices; and attends conferences related to dams, mines, and geotechnology. He received his bachelor’s degree in biological engineering from Utah State University. In his spare time, he enjoys canyoneering and composing music.
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Gary Roberts

Gary Roberts is the Product Manager over communications and software products at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He spends his days researching new technology, turning solutions to problems into stellar products, doing second-tier support, or geeking out on Campbell Scientific gear. Gary's education and background are in Information Technology and Computer Science. When he's not at work, he is out enjoying the great outdoors with his Scouts, fighting fire/EMS, working amateur radio, or programming computers.
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Jacob Davis

Jacob Davis is the Director of Client Services and Support at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He works with the worldwide technical support teams. His specialties include serial communications and advanced data logger programming. Jacob has a master’s degree in hydrology and worked with large irrigation projects before coming to Campbell Scientific, Inc.
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Janet Albers

Janet Albers, now retired, was a Senior Technical Writer. She enjoyed sharing tips, simplifying concepts, and guiding our clients to a successful project. She had been with Campbell Scientific, Inc. longer than the CR1000, but not quite as long as the CR10X. After work hours, Janet enjoyed the outdoors with her boys and dogs.
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Jason Ritter

Jason Ritter was a Senior Support and Implementation Engineer at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He worked with customers to help them make the best measurement possible. Jason was a longtime fan of Campbell Scientific, having been a customer for ten years before joining the company as an application engineer. He also held the positions of soil scientist, soils product manager, soils market manager, and product group manager.
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Libbie Anderson

Libbie Anderson was the Marketing Assistant in the Renewable Energy Group and then the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. She worked to connect clients to Campbell Scientific solutions through marketing and media to educate people about Campbell Scientific.
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Michael Adams

Michael Adams is a Sales Engineer for the infrastructure and geotechnical markets at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He has a degree in Electronic Systems, which he has applied for more than 30 years in system design, field deployment, and system longevity/reliability—with a strong focus on instrumentation and field troubleshooting. When he's not working, Michael can be found cycling, skiing, or flyfishing.
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Michael Jacobs

Michael Jacobs was the Manager of Calibration and Repair Services at Campbell Scientific, Inc. With expertise in DC/low-frequency measurements, he analyzed measurement uncertainty and quality standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ANSI Z540, and relevant JCGM documents. Michael was trained in the US Air Force Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory AFMETCAL program and had more than 30 years’ experience in measurement science.
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Paul Smart

Paul Smart is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His first experience with Campbell Scientific equipment came soon after graduating from college while working on a series of plant-growing experiments conducted on the International Space Station. Paul enjoys leveraging unique Campbell Scientific technology to solve challenging measurement problems. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and an MBA. Paul also enjoys the outdoors, fly fishing, and spending time with his family.
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Raina Mithrush

Raina Mithrush was the Marketing and Communications Consultant at Campbell Scientific Canada (CSC). She created marketing content for CSC and was particularly interested in online communications. Raina has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma of Graphic Design and Communication. Outside of work, Raina enjoyed spending time outside with her puppy and family.
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Ramatoulaye Nabi

Ramatoulaye Nabi is a Marketing and Communications Specialist at Campbell Scientific. Her work centers on developing and executing integrated marketing campaigns, crafting engaging content, and managing social media channels. She holds a master's degree in Digital Marketing and Innovation and a bachelor's degree in International Market Development.
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Robin Deissinger

Robin Deissinger is the Web Content Specialist at Campbell Scientific, Inc. She creates and maintains content on the company website, which is then shared across the global websites. She also manages the corporate social media program and occasionally contributes blog articles. Robin graduated from Bradley University with a bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in advertising, as well as a minor in psychology.
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Sam Utley

Sam Utley is the Vice President of Research and Development at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His deep understanding and appreciation for Campbell Scientific customers and their need for measurement and control solutions developed from his experience as a Campbell Scientific customer, sales and support engineer, and product manager. Sam is a University of Georgia Biological and Agricultural Engineer graduate.
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Shaun Dustin

Dr. Shaun Dustin was a registered professional civil engineer and led the Geotechnical and Structural Instrumentation Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He worked on projects ranging from 3-Mile Island to Space Mountain, but his favorite thing to do—besides spending time with his family—was solving problems that matter. .
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Timothy Jeppsen

Timothy is the Senior Marketing Manager at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He began his Campbell Scientific career as an Applications Engineer specializing in aquaculture applications and has also held positions as a sales engineer, manager of the Water Resources Group, and Marketing Product Manager for data loggers and communications products. Timothy received his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Utah State University and his master’s degree in quantitative genetics from Auburn University.
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Travis McKissack

Travis McKissack (now retired) was a Product Test Engineer in the Product Test Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc., providing testing and second-tier support for an array of Campbell Scientific software and data communications products. He has an extensive systems engineering background in the areas of defense electronics and oceanography with an emphasis on RF systems and data telemetry.
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Vim Mistry

Vim Mistry is a Senior Technical Support Engineer and Training Lead at Campbell Scientific Limited in the United Kingdom. His areas of expertise are diverse: technical support, sales, project management, and training. Whether in person or virtually, Vim shares his knowledge and expertise with others, helping them navigate technical issues and optimize their use of Campbell Scientific products. He has a masters degree from the University of Loughborough (UK) in Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a diploma in industrial studies.
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