43347 RTD Temperatursensor
Very High Accuracy
Good for air-quality applications
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der 43347 ist ein hochpräzieser RTD, der oft zur Messung von Temperaturgradienten oder in Luftqualitätsmessungen verwendet wird. Zur Vermeidung von Fehlern durch Sonneneinstrahlung wird er oft in den 43502 ventilierten Strahlungsschutz eingebaut.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Nutzt RTD Temperaturfühler für hochpräzise Lufttemperatur-Messung
  • Gut geeignet für Anwendungen im Bereich Luftqualität
  • Der ventilierte Strahlungsschutz 43502 reduziert Messfehler durch Strahlung für genaue Messungen
  • Ideal für Temperaturdifferenzmessungen zur Berechnung der atmosphärischen Stabilität


Technische Beschreibung

To determine delta temperature, a 43347 probe mounted in a 43502 shield is attached to the mast of a UT20 or UT30 tower, while another 43347 probe mounted in a 43502 shield is attached to the tower at a 2-m height. The temperature difference of the two measurement heights is calculated and used to determine atmospheric stability as required by the EPA.

The 43347 may also be housed in a 41003-5 Naturally Aspirated Shield if fan-driven aspiration is not required. Additional hardware is required (see Ordering Info and Compatibility).

The standard 43347 probe has an RTD uncertainty of ±0.3°C. If increased accuracy is required, a three point calibration can be ordered that allows the RTD to have an uncertainty of only ±0.1°C.



Sensor Description 1000 Ω Platinum RTD
Measurement Description Temperature
Signal Type/Output Analog voltage
Operating Temperature Range ±50°C
Range ±50°C
Accuracy ±0.3°C at 0°C; ±0.1°C with NIST calibration
Temperature Coefficient 0.00375 Ω/Ω °C
Radiation Error / Ambient Temperature < 0.2°C RMS at 1000 W/m2 intensity (when housed in the 43502 shield)
Radiation Error / Delta T < 0.05°C RMS with 43502 shields equally exposed (when housed in the 43502 shield)
Stainless-Steel Sheath Diameter 0.478 cm (0.188 in.)
Stainless-Steel Sheath Length 6.12 cm (2.41 in.)
Probe Tip Length 10.08 cm (3.97 in.) stainless-steel sheath and molded plastic
Length 17.8 cm (7 in.)
Weight 0.54 kg (1.2 lb)

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


The 43347 is typically housed in a 43502 Aspirated Radiation Shield to provide delta-temperature measurements for air quality applications. Delta temperature measurements use two 43502s attached at different heights.

The 41003-5 naturally aspirated radiation shield can serve as an alternative to the 43502 if a fan-driven aspiration shield is not required. The 27251 split nut plug must be used.

Both the 43502 and 41003-5 can be attached to either a mast or crossarm.

Data Logger Considerations

The 43347 comes in two versions—the "IX" version and the "VX" version. The "IX" version connects to a current excitation channel; only the CR3000 and CR5000 are compatible with the -IX.

The "VX" version connects directly to voltage excitation channels. All compatible data loggers can use the VX version.