0871LH1 Freezing-Rain Sensor
Warnt vor Vereisungsbedingungen
zum Schutz von Turbinen, Strom- und Telefonleitungen usw.
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der 0871LH1 ist ein Sensor zur Erkennung von Eisbildung. Er vibriert mit einer nominalen Frequenz von 40 kHz. Wenn sich eine Eisschicht auf dem Sensor bildet sorgt die zusätzliche Masse für eine Verringerung der Frequenz. Bei der Änderung, die 0,5 mm Eis entspricht, werden die Signale für "Eis" (RS422 und diskret) für 60s aktiviert. Danach heizt sich der Sensor auf und taut das Eis ab.  

Durch Einsatz dieses Sensors kann man Schäden an Strom- oder Telefonleitungen, Windturbinen oder Flugzeugflügeln vermeiden oder vor Unfällen im Straßenverkehr warnen.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Kann verwendet werden, um Eisschäden an Stromleitungen zu vermeiden, vor vereisten Strassen zu warnen und Eis an Flugzeugen und Windturbinen anzuzeigen
  • Wird automatisch bei einer Eisdicke von 0,5mm abgetaut


Technische Beschreibung

The 0871LH1 uses resonant frequencies to determine the presence of icing conditions. Its main component is a nickel alloy rod that has a natural resonant frequency of 40 kHz. As ice collects on the rod, the added mass causes the resonant frequency to decrease. When the frequency decreases to 130 Hz (or 0.02-in. layer of ice), an internal heater automatically defrosts the sensor.

Kompatibel mit

Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)


Measurement Description Ice detected/no ice detected
Range State dependent (ICE = 1, NO ICE = 0)
Set Point Ice signal activates when probe ice thickness exceeds 0.5 mm ±0.13 mm (0.02 in. ±0.006 in.)
Output Format RS-422 output operates at 9600 bps.
Operating Temperature Range -55° to +71°C
Storage Temperature Range -65° to +90°C
Random Vibration 7.9 grms (DO-160C, Category E)
Shock DO-160C
Operating Voltage 18 to 29.5 Vdc
Base Diameter 7.32 cm (2.88 in.)
Base Height 3.81 cm (1.5 in.)
Strut Diameter 3.10 cm (1.22 in.)
Strut Height 2.54 cm (1.0 in.)
Plate Dimensions 7.37 x 7.37 x 0.22 cm (2.9 x 2.9 x 0.085 in.)
Rod Diameter 0.64 cm (0.25 in.)
Rod Height 2.54 cm (1.0 in.)
Weight 0.3 kg (0.7 lb)

Power Draw @ 24 Vdc

Sensing Mode 5 W (maximum)
Deicing Mode 27 W (maximum)

Operating Modes

Sensing Operating with no ice or with probe ice thickness below the set point
Deicing Operating with probe ice thickness exceeding the set point

Discrete Output Signals

Ice Signal (No Icing) Open
Ice Signal (Icing Detected) Ground
Status Signal (Operating Correctly) Ground
Status Signal (Failure Detected) Open

RS-422 Output Signals

Ice Signal
  • 1 = Ice
  • 0 = No Ice
Fail State
  • 1 = Fail
  • 0 = No Fail (OK)

Built-in Test (BIT)

Commanded Performed at initial power-up. If a failure is detected and verified, the ice detector stops detecting and annunciating icing conditions, the heaters are disabled, and a failure is annunciated.
Continuous Hardware and software BIT verifies that internal electronics are functioning properly.

Electrical Connectors

Mechanical MS27474T10B199PN
Mating MS27474T10B199SN

FAQs für

Number of FAQs related to 0871LH1: 3

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  1. The sensor determines if there is an ICE or NO ICE condition. If the sensor is covered in ice, it reports an ICE condition and turns on the heater to defrost itself.