Take Photos in 15-Minute Intervals

Setup Your Camera to Take a Picture Every 15 Minutes and Save to the CCFC Camera Memory

  1. Click Create Capture Modes in the setup progress bar at the top. 
  2. Click Timed Capture NEW.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) to create a new timed capture profile. 
  4. Type a descriptive title, such as 'Picture every 15 minutes'.
  5. Select Continuous (24 hours)  and input '15'Minutes besides Take Photo Every:.
  6. Under Lens Position, click the green Position 1 link to adjust the lens position. 
  7. Type a descriptive title for the lens position, such as 'fully zoomed' or 'wide angle'. 
  8. Slide the Zoom slider to your desired zoom length. The CCFC will auto focus as you change zoom lengths. The CCFC may take a second to respond and display your image in the Live Video feed. 
  9. Click Save Settings.
  10. Click the Enable Photo Capture toggle and choose Take a Single Photo. 
  11. Click the Save to Camera Memory toggle. Keep the default max space size of 0MB which will auto-allocate memory. 
  12. Choose Continuous Overwrite and Sub Folder Date Format of YY/MM/DD to store the pictures from each day in a seperate sub-folder. 
  13. From the Media Profile drop down, select Default (High Resolution). 
  14. Save your Timed Capture profile by clicking the green Save button at the bottom. 

Note: In 15 minutes or less, you'll be able to use the File Explorer to select your picture, and download it to your computer/mobile device. The first picture will be taken at the next 15 minutes interval. For example, if you save your settings at 1:07pm, your picture will be taken at 1:15pm, then again at 1:30pm, and so on. 

We hope you enjoy your CCFC Field Camera! 

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