Der TGA200A Spurengasanalysator misst Spurengaskonzentrationen in einer Luftprobe durch Absorptionsspektroskopie mittels abstimmbarer Laser-Dioden (tunable-diode laser absorption spectroscopy, TDLAS). Diese Technik ermöglich große Empfindlichkeit, Schnelligkeit und Genauigkeit. Das einfache Design ermöglicht es, eins von verschiedenen Gasen zu detektieren, indem man ein passende Laserquelle wählt. Der TGA200A enthält ein optisches Messsystem mit einem 1,5m langen Messpfad und einen thermoelektrisch gekühlten Laser.
Der TGA200A befindet sich in einem robusten Gehäuse und kann damit in verschiedenen Klimazonen eingesetzt werden, z.B. in großen Höhen, Permafrost und Tundra bis hin zu tropischen Regenwäldern. Typische Anwendungen sind langsame Gradienten oder schnelle Eddy-Kovarianzmessungen von Distickstoffmonoxid, Methan oder Kohlendioxid in allen globalen Ökosystemen.
Campbell Scientific baut TGAs seit 1993. Der TGA200A ist damit das Resultat von über 20 Jahren Entwicklung und Erfahrung. Die vorhergehenden Geräte (TGA100, TGA100A und TGA200) basieren zwar auf derselben Technologie, beim TGA200A gibt es aber zahlreiche Verbesserungen.
Lesen Sie mehrThis product is sold and supported directly through our US office see for contact details.
Measurement Rate | 500 Hz |
Sample Cell Volume | 200 mL |
Dimensions | 211 x 47 x 55 cm (83 x 18.5 x 21.5 in.) |
Weight |
Typical Measurement Noise |
-NOTE- |
Preliminary Results Allan deviation with 100 ms averaging time. |
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) - Laser pn 30478 | 1.5 nmol mol-1 |
Methane (CH4) - Laser pn 30477 | 7.0 nmol mol-1 |
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) - Laser pn 31121 | 1.8 nmol mol-1 |
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Laser pn 31121 | 0.3 μmol mol-1 (based on the 13C16O16O isotopolog) |
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Laser pn 31119 | 0.15 μmol mol-1 |
δ13C - Laser pn 31119 | 0.5 ‰ |
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Laser pn 30877 | 0.5 μmol mol-1 |
δ13C - Laser pn 30877 | 2.0 ‰ |
δ18O - Laser pn 30877 | 2.0 ‰ |
Power Requirements |
Analyzer (TE-cooled laser) | 90 to 264 Vac, 47 to 63 Hz, 34 W (max) 22 W (typical) |
Heater | 90 to 264 Vac, 47 to 63 Hz, 150 W (max) 50 W (typical) |
Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.
Data is collected from the TGA200A using a Campbell Scientific datalogger. The TGA200A is compatible with dataloggers that support SDM communications. In many cases, a sampling system containing a datalogger is ordered with the TGA200A. Contact Campbell Scientific for more details about sampling systems and compatibility with user-supplied components, such as leaf chambers.
The TGA200A firmware is used to support the TGA200A or prior TGA models that have been upgraded to use a thermoelectrically cooled (TEC) laser.
The TGA firmware includes the OS that must be uploaded to the analyzer's CPU board before operating a TEC laser.
Warning: Download of TGA200A Firmware should only be done for use with TGA models running TEC lasers!
The TGA TEC Support Software is used to support the TGA200A or prior TGA models that have been upgraded to use a thermoelectrically cooled (TEC) laser.
TGA TEC is a user-interface software package that allows users to connect to the analyzer, set settings, and monitor real-time analyzer performance.
TGA TEC 1.1 is compatible with the Windows 7 operating system or newer.
Warning: Download of TGA TEC v1.1 should only be done for use with TGA models running TEC lasers!