Fixed SDI12 Sensor data formatting. Previously, the CR2xx was formatting little and big values in the exponential format (i.e., 1e-8). This type of formatting is invalid for the SDI-12 standard. Now the CR2xx will format so that no more than 9 characters per value are sent. The sign (+ or -) + 7 digits + '.' ==> total of 9 characters. Also, values greater than 9.999999e6 and values less than 1e-7 will be forced/capped to 9999999 or 0.0
Fixed SDI12 Sensor address. The address parameter was incorrectly converting public IEEE4 to printable character for sdi12 address V05_07 Compiled Feb 10, 2007
Fixed problem with empty array (). When a SendVariable or SetValue with the table.fieldname had a dim array with empty brackets "()" the index was incorrect and off by one.
Removed the pulsecount P_ErrorCnt[] (this was causing incorrect NANs in the switch closure instructions). With the switch closure instruction, the error counter was incremented on the noisy edges. With long scan intervals the error count exceeded 25 and a NAN would result. We have removed this error count completely. The purpose of the error count was to detect high freq and flag NAN. With the counter removed we no longer detect high freq.
Added Compiler Error/s when using instructions that are conditionally used, depending on the OS build. Each OS build (special or otherwise) knows which instructions can NOT be used.
Added "SendData" instruction. This instruction only works on the S version.
Changed the Print instruction (for S version only). When the print instruction changes the baud rate, we will not revert back to the original baud rate after the instruction completes. This is only for the RS-232 port and the baud rates are either 1200 or 9600.
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