CR6, CR1000X, and CR300 programs demonstrating taking multiple measurements using an AM16/32B relay multiplexer. Examples cover single-ended, differential,...
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Description: The example programs provide the following functions: (1) add GPS coordinates using the CCFCGPSLatitude and CCFCGPSLongitude instructions;...
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The example CR6 program measures four CS250DM sensors, averages the four temperature measurements, and calculates the standard deviation...
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Example CR1000, CR3000, and CR23 datalogger programs to measure the CSAT3 three dimensional ultrasonic anemometer. The programs include...
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This example CR6 program collects the volumetric water content, relative permittivity, soil temperature, and bulk electrical conductivity for...
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These example programs demonstrate how to use the CDM_VoltFilt(), CDM_BridgeFilt(), and CDM_FFTFilt() instructions on a Spectrum module. Additionally,...
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