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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 articles tagged with: Operating System

Handling New Device Drivers in a Changing Windows World

Author Dana Worley | Letzte Aktualisierung: 04/27/2016 | Kommentare: 0

handling new device drivers in a changing windows world

We've all been there. You open the box for some new toy such as a camera, printer, or even a datalogger, and before you can get started, you are required to install a device driver. The device driver loads files onto your computer so that... lesen Sie mehr

4 New Ways to Use Array Notation: Copying or Transposing

Author Janet Albers | Letzte Aktualisierung: 07/21/2015 | Kommentare: 0

4 new ways to use array notation: copying or transposing

Copying or transposing has become easier with OS 28 (CR6 OS 1). This new operating system enables you to copy portions of an array to a new location, such as when transposing rows and columns. In this example we start with A(3,2) (3 rows, 2 columns) initialized as... lesen Sie mehr

4 New Ways to Use Array Notation: Complex Scaling

Author Janet Albers | Letzte Aktualisierung: 07/01/2015 | Kommentare: 0

4 new ways to use array notation: complex scaling

You can perform more complex scaling in an array without needing a For/Next loop. To take advantage of this feature, use OS 28 (CR6 OS 01) or later.   In this example program, a unique set of multipliers and offsets is applied to the column of an... lesen Sie mehr

4 New Ways to Use Array Notation: Initializing Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Author Janet Albers | Letzte Aktualisierung: 06/10/2015 | Kommentare: 0

4 new ways to use array notation: initializing multi-dimensional arrays

Initializing variables within an array is more flexible than ever with OS 28 (CR6 OS 1). You can think of a single dimensioned array as numbers in a column. Two dimensions, in comparison, puts numbers in rows and columns. The third dimension is a page. For example:... lesen Sie mehr

4 New Ways to Use Array Notation: Simple Scaling

Author Janet Albers | Letzte Aktualisierung: 05/29/2015 | Kommentare: 0

4 new ways to use array notation: simple scaling

The newest operating system released by Campbell Scientific for its data loggers is OS 28 for the CR800, CR1000, and CR3000. (The comparable operating system version for the CR6 datalogger is OS 01.) This powerful data logger OS has been enhanced so that you can... lesen Sie mehr