Wasser / Wasserqualität

Was wir tun

Campbell Scientific builds systems for unattended, long-term monitoring of water quality in many natural and industrial environments, including streams, watersheds, wells, caves, water/wastewater treatment plants, aquaculture operations, landfills, and processing plants. Our systems include Campbell data loggers and a large variety of sensors and communication peripherals, customized for each application.

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Sehen Sie einige spannende Projekte aus diesem Bereich, die mit unseren Produkten realisisert wurden.


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Ein System maßschneidern

Zusätzlich zu unseren verfügbaren Standardsystemen bieten wir auch viele maßgeschneiderte Systeme an. Sagen Sie uns, was Sie brauchen, dann helfen wir Ihnen, ein System zusammenzustellen, das genau Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht.

Weitere Details über unsere Wasserqualität Systeme

Dataloggers used in Water Quality Monitoring

Our dataloggers feature wide operating temperature ranges, low power consumption, and the ability to directly interface with a large variety of sensors. Because our dataloggers operate on batteries (with or without solar panels), they are ideal for long-term, stand-alone operation, such as at remote streams or wells. Most of our dataloggers are expandable using multiplexers and other peripherals. Data are typically displayed and stored in the desired units of measure (e.g., specific conductance as mS/m, µS/cm, Ohms).

Powerful on-board instruction sets allow unattended control decisions based on time or conditional events. For example, if measured water quality levels are outside a predetermined range, the datalogger can actuate water samplers, sound alarms, open valves, actuate injectors, and make a phone call to report conditions. The dataloggers can easily provide the necessary water sampler control to meet EPA-mandated first-flush and follow-up sample schedules. All data is time-stamped and data from event-triggered samples is marked for later analysis.


Almost any sensor, individual or multiparameter, may be used with the system, allowing the system to be customized for each application. We helped create the original SDI-12 standard, so you can be sure our systems are SDI-12 compatible. In addition, nearly all available flow, level, and meteorological sensors can be measured, generally without external signal conditioning.


The availability of multiple telecommunications and on-site options for retrieving data also allows systems to be customized to meet exact needs. Options include: voice-synthesized phone, telephone, cellphone, satellite, radio, ethernet, short haul, meteor burst, coaxial cable, and storage module. Systems can be programmed to send alarms or report site conditions by calling out to computers, phones, radios, or pagers. Real-time or historical data can be displayed or processed with Campbell Scientific software. Data can also be exported as ASCII files for further processing by spreadsheets, databases, or analysis programs.


Broschüren Produkte


Costa Rica: Buoy System
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New Jersey: Trout Hatchery
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China: Lake Weather and Water
In 2006 a cooperative Japanese-Chinese science organization, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), began a......lesen Sie mehr
Alaska: Monitoring Mixing Dynamics and Water Quality
Toolik Lake is 130 miles south of Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska. It is one......lesen Sie mehr
New Zealand: Coal Mine Water Quality Monitoring
High-grade coal has been mined on the West Coast of New Zealand since the 1870s.......lesen Sie mehr
Montana: Mine Cleanup
Near the ghost town of Rimini, Montana, located in a Rocky Mountain canyon, is the......lesen Sie mehr
Southeastern U.S.: Sediment Production Study
D & A Instruments (now part of Campbell Scientific) assisted the USDA National Sedimentation Laboratory......lesen Sie mehr
Idaho: Identifying Water-Quality Factors
The monitoring program for the Portneuf River Basin enables stakeholders to assess and document the......lesen Sie mehr

FAQs für

Number of FAQs related to Wasserqualität: 1

  1. Most Campbell Scientific systems are built from individual components. This provides maximum flexibility for our customers, but it does not lend itself to pricing a "typical" system. Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance in pricing a system to meet the unique needs of the application.

The following is a list of companies that have developed expertise in our products and provide consulting, installation, and other services for wasserqualität applications.

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