VWAnalyzer Schwingsaitenanalysator
Für Installationen, Wartung von Systemen und Handmessungen
wetter  wasser  energie  gas flux and turbulence  bauwerke  boden


Der Schwingsaitenanalysator VWA ist die innovativste Feldanzeige, die im Moment verfügbar ist. Man kann einen Sensor messen, die Daten abspeichern und einen pdf-Bericht erstellen oder eine Tabelle anlegen lassen. Ein integriertes GPS-Modul ermöglicht genaues Lokalisieren des Sensors. Die Spektralanalysetechnik (VSPECT™), die der VWA verwendet, liefert die bestmöglichen Schwingsaitenmessungen und filtert externes Rauschen aus.
Über das große Farbdisplay können die Daten graphisch präsentiert werden.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die VSPECT® Technologie auf der VSPECT® Essentials Webseite.

Die VSPECT-Technologie ist patentiert unter US Patent 7779690.

Lesen Sie mehr

Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Create custom PDF reports
  • Measurement confidence with graphical display and VSPECT® technology
  • Full-color screen and easy-to-use menus
  • Integrated GPS to record sensor location
  • Able to read any vibrating wire sensor
  • Sensor library containing common vibrating wire sensors
  • Quick transfer of PDF and CSV files with a USB connection


VWAnalyzer with sample report
VWAnalyzer with sample report
VWAnalyzer with sample report
Front view
Front view, tilt
Front view, tilt
Back view
Left view
Right view
Top view
Bottom view
Carrying case that ships with the VWAnalyzer (pn 31642)
Sample Vibrating Wire Report

Technische Beschreibung

The Vibrating Wire Analyzer (VWAnalyzer) uses patented VSPECT® technology for the most reliable vibrating wire measurements available. The VWAnalyzer converts measurements to engineering units, generates a printable PDF report, and saves a CSV summary file. The graphical display allows confirmation of sensor output and operation. VSPECT® technology eliminates disruptive noise interference and provides sensor diagnostics for the best measurement possible. VSPECT® noise immunity allows gages that are otherwise unreadable to be evaluated with confidence.

A Project File maintains Site/Sensor information for 40 unique sites with 22 sensors per site. Site/Sensor locations are geolocated, allowing the internal GPS to guide a user directly to a sensor location. Site/Sensor and user information can be created or edited on the device or with a computer using the free VwProjects software.

Note:  The VWAnalyzer can be connected to a computer and is treated like an external memory device (flash memory drive) to transfer data. 

What is a VSPECT® measurement?

VSPECT® provides the best vibrating wire measurement available. A sensor frequency is easily identified while filtering out environmental and electrical noise that affects the quality of other vibrating wire readers. VSPECT® provides measurement diagnostics to understand sensor response, installation quality, and identify incorrect wiring or damaged sensors.

Output and Diagnostics

Sensor Frequency (Hz)

Frequency is a measured value.

Basic measurement from a vibrating wire sensor. The frequency can be converted into engineering units (for example, pressure, displacement) and is the largest measured amplitude signal within the frequency sweep.

Sensor Amplitude (mV RMS)

Diagnostic values describe the quality of the frequency measurement.

Signal strength from the vibrating wire sensor. Amplitude varies and is affected by the sensor type, excitation strength (adjustable), and sensor cable length.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (unitless)

Diagnostic values describe the quality of the frequency measurement.

Sensor signal amplitude divided by the largest noise amplitude within the sweep frequency. A low signal-to-noise ratio indicates a weak sensor signal or a noisy environment.

Noise Frequency (Hz)

Diagnostic values describe the quality of the frequency measurement.

Largest amplitude noise signal within the frequency sweep.

Decay Ratio

Diagnostic values describe the quality of the frequency measurement.

Signal attenuation (how quickly the signal strength decreases).

Thermistor/RTD Resistance (Ω)

Resistance is a measured value.

Measurement used to calculate sensor temperature and correct for thermal effects. The VWAnalyzer measures the vibrating wire sensor temperature (when present); thermal and barometric corrections require post processing.

Kompatibel mit

The Vibrating Wire Analyzer (VWAnalyzer) can measure all vibrating wire sensors including, but not limited to, strain gages, piezometers, pressure transducers, tiltmeters, crackmeters, and load cells. The VWAnalyzer has an integrated sensor library that contains common sensors from common vibrating wire manufacturers; use of the sensor library allows the VWAnalyzer to output data using engineering units. 


  • NOTE: Non-volatile memory stores data, reports, and project files. When memory is full, new data overwrites the oldest data. Users need to delete/transfer files when memory is full.
  • 1,700 site/sensor measurements (most recent)
  • 40 unique sites, 22 sensors per site
  • 240 single measurements (most recent)
  • 16,500 continuous measurements (most recent)
  • 80 MB USB memory (PDF, CSV, VWA, and other files)
GPS ±5 m (16.4 ft) typical (±1 ms time sync)
Channel Count 1 channel (vibrating wire and thermistor reading)
Enclosure IP62
Battery Type/Life 5 AA (1.5 V)
20 hours continuous use
Operating Temperature Range -20° to +70°C
Compliance CE, RoHS
USB Mini B Direct connect to PC (Supplies power to retrieve data.)
Warranty One year against defects in materials and workmanship
Dimensions 200 x 100 x 58 mm (7.9 x 3.9 x 2.3 in.)
Weight 0.34 kg (0.75 lb)

Measurements - Vibrating Wire

Vibrating Wire Frequency Range 300 to 6500 Hz
Resolution 0.001 Hz RMS
Accuracy ±0.005% of reading
Excitation 2 V, 5 V, 12 V (user-selectable)
Method VSPECT® (Vibrating-Wire Spectral Analysis), U.S. Patent No. 7,779,690
Measurement Interval Range 1 s to 15 min (continuous reading mode only)
Speed 1 s (fastest)

Measurements - Thermistor

Resolution 0.01 Ω RMS
Accuracy ±0.15% of reading


VWAnalyzer Operating System v.2.20 (856 KB) 23-11-2021

Die Betriebssystem-Datei (Erweiterung .obj) kann heruntergeladen und mit einem USB-Kabel auf einem VWA gespeichert werden. Wenn das VWA das erste Mal danach mit Strom versorgt wird, lädt das Betriebssystem automatisch. Ein neues OS kann updates zur Sensorbibliothek enthalten, zusätzliche Funktionen oder Verbesserungen der Software. Bevor das Betriebssystem aktualisiert wird, sollten Daten und Projektdateien gespeichert werden.

Liste der Änderungen

VwProjects v.1.2 (11.0 MB) 23-11-2021

VwProjects is a free software download. The software allows a PC to create files called a project file that contain user, site, and sensor information used on the VWA. All project file information can be manually entered on the VWA, but the use of VwProjects with a PC allows for quicker and easier data entry and editing. Files created can be saved and loaded to the VWA or files can be pulled from a VWA and edited on the VwProjects, see manual for details.