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HMP45C-LC Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration No
Free Support No


The HMP45C-LC is a rugged, accurate temperature and relative humidity probe. The sensor measures relative humidity over the 0 to 100% RH range and temperature over the -40° to +60°C range.

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Funktionen und Vorteile

  • Gut geeignet für lange, wartungsfreie Messungen
  • Akkurat und robust
  • Konfiguriert zur Verwendung mit der MetData1-Wetterstation oder dem CS110 Elektrisches Feldmeter


Technische Beschreibung

This version of the HMP45C has a connector instead of pigtails for connecting the sensor to a MetData1 Weather Station or CS110 Electric Field Meter. The probe uses a HUMICAP capacitive polymer H chip to measure relative humidity, and a PRT to measure temperature. Relative humidity range is 0 to 100% RH, and temperature range is -40° to +60°C. A solar radiation shield is required if the probe will be exposed to sunlight.

Kompatibel mit

The connector can be attached to the CS110 Electric Field Meter or MetData1 Weather Station. The CS110 has a CR1000 and the MetData1 has an on-board CR10X.


The HMP45C-LC should be housed in a 41003-5 10-plate naturally-aspirated solar radiation shield. This radiation shield mounts to a tripod or tower mast, crossarm, or user-supplied pole.


  • Supply Voltage: 12 Vdc nominal (typically powered by datalogger)
  • Current Consumption: ≤4 mA (active)

Relative Humidity

  • Sensor: Vaisala’s HUMICAP® H-chip
  • Measurement Range: 0.8% to 100% RH, non-condensing
  • Output Signal Range: 0.008 to 1 Vdc
  • Accuracy at 20°C:
    • Against Factory Reference: ±1% RH
    • Field-Calibrated Against References: ±2% (0% to 90% range);
      ±3% (90% to 100% range)
  • Temperature Dependence: ±0.05% RH/°C
  • Long-Term Stability: Typically, better than 1% RH per year
  • Response Time: 15 seconds with membrane filter (at 20°C, 90% response)
  • Settling Time: 500 milliseconds


  • Temperature Sensor: 1000 ohm Platinum Resistance Thermometer
  • Measurement Range: -39.2° to +60°C
  • Output Signal Range: 0.008 to 1.0 V
  • Accuracy: see graph in HMP45C product brochure