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StartAtRecord function RTMC Pro 3.1

MikeW Jun 2, 2011 10:12 PM

Just looking for what "Filemark" is in the function in RTMC Pro 3.1;



jtrauntvein Jun 3, 2011 06:15 PM

As LoggerNet collects data from a table, the table's record number, which normally increases by one with each record stored, can get reset back to zero through various mechanisms such as the datalogger recompiling its program. Because of this, the record number alone is not sufficient to identify a record within LoggerNet's cache table. LoggerNet uses the file mark number to keep these discontinuities straight. Each time that a missed hole event is detected or the record number regresses, LoggerNet will increment the file mark number that it uses to store new records.

Starting with LoggerNet 4.1, you can specify this parameter with a value of &HFFFFFFFF. The LoggerNet server will interpret this by looking for the starting record number in the latest file mark.

MikeW Jun 4, 2011 03:02 PM

Thanks for the reply.

I'm trying to just show the accumulated precip from 1 May in RTMC pro 3.1 (LN 3.4) and do not want to adjust the function to advance one day, every night. here is what I'm doing now


I wish I could just enter into a function the start date ie 2011-05-01, the startatrecord function is good but I have to individually set the function in all of my 40 stations (all have different rcdnum's for 1 May)

Help would be much appreciated


Sam Jun 4, 2011 11:09 PM

My RTMC expression chops are horrible, but it seems like you would use the following:


I think timestamp would be the number of nanoseconds since 1990. You might be able to also use ToDate("01-05-2011 00:00:00.00")

claudio2000 Jun 6, 2011 04:14 PM

How I cath a block of data from database in a CR5000 datalogger? Data from a range between two dates?. I dont like the entire database only a sector.

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