I'm looking for help with skipped scans. I seem to be getting some conflict when mutiple digital sensors are connected to the same port, but are using different scan rates. I would just move them to another port (C5 or C7), but those are needed for pulse counting the tach output of 3 aspirated shields.
I currently have buffer option set to 3. Should I change this? I'm having trouble understanding how that works. Any ideas would be great. I'm using a CR1000X...
Here are how my scans are setup generally:
Main Scan: 3 seconds (buffer option 1, count 0) - AT at 3 levels, Wind 2 levels, Rain, LWS etc.
SlowSequence Scan1: 5 seconds (buffer option 3, count 0) - AT/RH (HygroVue10) - Addr.0 @ C1
SlowSequence Scan2: 10 seconds (buffer option 3, count 0) - Solar and Net Radiation (CS320 ans SN500SS) - Addr. 1 and 2 @C1
Slowsequence Scan3: 120 seconds (buffer option 3, count 0) - Soil (CS655) - Addr. 0-4 @C3
You have timing conflicts from multiple sequences wanting access to the same port. Look at the SemaphoreGet() instruction in CRBasic.
This post is under review.