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MetSENS 500 with CR6 : Fondamentals

r.no Jul 2, 2024 06:04 PM

Why is it not working connecting a MetSENS 500 to a CR6 using Short Cut (CR6)?

I have been trying to connect a MetSENS500 (MODBUS RS-485 at 19.2K baud) Compact Weather Sensor using the five cables (G = Clear, G = Black, C2= White, C1= Green and 12v = Red) or using MetSENS500 (SDI-12) Compact Weather Sensor same wiring without white in C2. I am using the metsens cable suplied by Campbell no tricks no gimmicks, just the plain next, next, next cooking recipe and yet the there is no data coming out. I tried slowing down to 9600 bauds because there is a sticker on the WX sensor saying just that.I also tried changing the interval in case the sampling intervals were to short but nothing is comming out of the sensor. I have two indetical ones, so I swapped them as well, but no joy.

I have succesfuly connected other sensors to this CR6 (oxygen probe, temp, gps etc) it is just the MetSENS 500 that seems to be posing problems. I am more than likely missing something, could anyone point me in the right direction?


JDavis Jul 2, 2024 10:49 PM

The MetSens500 has a sticker on it indicating which communication option was ordered. If a sticker on the MetSens500 says 9600 baud, I believe you have the RS232 version. The label on the sensor cable would also say RS232.

r.no Jul 8, 2024 04:35 PM

Thanks JDavis, indeed I ordered an RS232, when I am wiring as in RS232, programing with Shortcut with RS232, thus living out the whte cable in C2. With Shortcut it's hard to make a mistake the program is giving you all the wiring details.

'Main Scan
'Default CR6 Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement 'BattV'
'Default CR6 Datalogger Wiring Panel Temperature measurement 'PTemp'

'MetSENS500 multiparameter weather sensor
' Get the data from the serial buffer

I am getting the battery output, it's just the Metsens 500 that's not responding

Thanks for your comments

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