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hector001425 Jun 2, 2023 04:25 PM

i would like some help when i try to extract data using dnp3, it brings me integer data without decimal point.

How can I extract the data with decimal points?


DNP3 Parameters
Public IP_Socket As Long 'IP port
Const=IPAddress= "" ' Server IP Address
'+++++++++ Variable declaration for DNP
Dim VW_DNP(34) As Long 'in () the amount of data in the packet to be sent
' declare as As Long for integer or as As Float for floating point

DNP(20000,115200,1000) 'Verify output port
'************************Variables DNP3 ******************
DNPVariable(VW_DNP(),34,30,2,0,0,0,0,0,0)'Description of static variable
' Object 30, variation 1 = Static 32-bit analogs
DNPVariable(VW_DNP(),34,32,2,1,0,0,0,10)'Variable description per event
' Object 32, variation 1 = 32-bit analog with 100 buffer points

something to change in this configuration

try with as Float, but it brings me totally different values


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