Hi ,
I am trying to write a code to search for a hex string within a binary file and extracting a subsequent data value which is locate 12 bytes from the location of the string. The following is the code. But I am not able to successfully locate it within the file.
Public FileHandle
Public Ensemblestring
Const MaxEnsembleLength = 400000
Public offset As Long
Public Instring As Long
Const distancebyte = 12
Public Distance As Float
DataTable (Test,True,-1)
Sample (1,Distance,String)
'Main Program
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
FileHandle = FileOpen ("CRD:2019-02-16-21-30.bin","rb",0)
Ensemblestring = FileRead (FileHandle,Distance,MaxEnsembleLength)
Instring = InStr (offset,EnsembleString,CHR(48)&CHR(120)&CHR(48)&CHR(48)&CHR(54)&CHR(49),2)
Distance = HexToDec(Mid (EnsembleString,Instring+distancebyte,32))
FileClose (FileHandle)
CallTable Test