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Hidden Feature BREAKS CR300

thommark Jan 14, 2019 09:20 PM

OS 7.05 on CR300

We've been using the read/write datatable option on the CR6 for some time now with out problems.  Tried it on the CR300 today with bad results.  The compiler does not have a problem.  When I enter a value into the datatable with devconfig, my logger hard resets like it doesn't know what to do with the value I entered.  Here is the code for the read/write data table option.

DataTable(Email_Info, True, 1)
Sample(1, Email_add(1),String,1)
Sample(1, Email_add(2),String,1)
Sample(1, Email_add(3),String,1)
Sample(1, Email_add(4),String,1)
Sample(1, Send_Emails, Boolean, 1)

Should this work or is it not implemented on the CR300? (even though the compiler doesn't have a problem with it.)

smile Jan 31, 2019 04:02 PM


I have not looked carefully but try again with the new operating system 8.01


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