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remoot control of SMS (CR1000 modem fastract)

novicok Feb 8, 2018 06:36 AM

Dear Sir,

I have a question.

We are using fastract modem

CR1000 data logger

1. I configurated modem for GPRS it is work but, one time every month we need to go to station site and turn off modem and  turn on after 1 minute.

only after turn on modem i can connect to modem by remote. Why? How to solve this problem.

my secound question is:

2. appx 6-10 minute late Loggernet disconnected with Cr1000. Why? How to solve this problem.

I am using static IP address.

Can someone help to me to solve this problem.

I dont know do i need to find AT comands for modem or need to reconfigure data logger.

best regards


smile Feb 9, 2018 08:03 AM


for problems due to the cellular network operator, we turn off the modem every hour and turn it on again. If it seems excessive, do it every day, it's a good idea. With the SW12 channel it is very simple. I think there is also an AT instruction that plans to schedule a HW reset, but it's a bit more complicated.


novicok Feb 12, 2018 12:05 PM


thank you

how did you do that? I mean  "turn off the modem every hour and turn it on again"

May be problem with Logger net configuration or with Data logger. May be I need to re-configurate or need to check and find proplem here.

I am afraid  I made this problem wehen I configurated modem with AT comands

for example:

"ATS0=1". it is mean that "disable auto  answer". May be there  is problem with this comand?

it is wrong comand.

best regards



smile Feb 12, 2018 05:57 PM


the register S0 is the number of rings before answering, so S0 = 1 means that the modem responds to the first ring. But if you use a fixed IP address the question does not matter with the number of rings.

If you want to switch off the modem every xx minute and it's connected to SW12 you have to do it.



sw12(1)' modem ON


if iftime (0,55,min) then SW12(0) ' after measurements, modem OFF

'so it will go off a few minutes before the end of the hour when it should be ready to send data.



The scan rate should not be very fast or the modem will not go off in time. If the time is less than 5 seconds then

if iftime (0,1,min) then SW12(1)

The modem manual help and "Short Cut" has a section for modem control ON OFF



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